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Prescott loves Mickey Mouse and trains. He’s also a bit fanatical about car washes: He enjoys riding in the car through them, watching videos about them, and even has a toy car wash that he drives his cars through. He’s a happy little soul and can be found giving his classic thumbs up!

Prescott started life in serious danger. He was born five weeks early due to a placental abruption, a life-threatening situation in which the placenta peeled away from the inner wall of the uterus, depriving him of oxygen and nutrients. He had to be resuscitated after birth, and began to improve. But just three days later he received an accidental overdose and went into respiratory arrest. He was saved, but spent 21 days in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) before his parents could take him home.

The medical challenges continued to mount for this brave little boy. He’s been under general anesthesia more than 30 times, had more than 100 different tests, and has been to over 750 therapy sessions. He and his family regularly make the two-hour trip to Boise to see his many specialists, including cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, neurology, neurodevelopmental, and many more.

Prescott depends on a tube for feedings, wears braces on his feet, and uses a wheelchair to conserve energy. “He’s developmentally about three years old,” his mom says, “but he’s the happiest little guy despite all his struggles.”

  1. Kean
  2. Rachel