Lilyan is energetic, articulate, and without a doubt strong and determined! Her family has been amazed by what they’ve learned from her. Lilyan was just two years old when she was diagnosed with high risk, stage IV neuroblastoma. She had a large tumor in her abdomen, and the cancer had spread to her bones as well, leaving her unable to walk.
Her treatment was aggressive, matching the nature of the cancer. She had chemotherapy to shrink the tumor so it could be removed. Then she was transferred to Primary Children’s Medical Center in Salt Lake City and underwent two bone marrow transplants and total body radiation, and took part in a six-month immunotherapy research study. Lilyan responded remarkably, exceeding her doctor’s expectations for recovery.
“Throughout this journey, Lilyan unknowingly reminded us to be in the moment instead of worrying about what may come,” he mom says. “Over time we realized the importance of making the best of every situation and creating fun wherever and with whatever we could.”