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Pivio - Information Session

  • Venue & Location

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    Online via Microsoft Teams

  • Fee & Registration

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    Free, Registration Required


Pivio, the complete health improvement program, addresses the root cause of chronic disease: lifestyle choices. Without any obligation to participate, attend this free information session to learn more about Pivio. 

This interactive session features video and discussion with Pivio facilitators. You will get a comprehensive overview of the program cost, schedule, and participation requirements, while also learning how Pivio can help reduce or prevent chronic diseases - some that you may have or be at risk for. 

Pivio takes a "whole health" approach, focusing on the 6-pillars of Lifestyle Medicine: 

  • plant-rich eating pattern, 
  • physical activity, 
  • healthy sleep, 
  • stress management, 
  • meaningful relationships, 
  • and avoidance of risky substances.

Attending an information session is highly recommended before registering for Pivio.



More Information


Registration Instructions

Join a Teams meeting on the web: 

  1. In your email invite, select Join Microsoft Teams Meeting. 
  2. When prompted, select option to join a Teams meeting on the web. 
  3. Type in your name (first name and last initial) and select Join now. It is not recommended to use a personal Teams account if you have one, to protect identity. 
  4. Choose the audio and video settings you want. 
  5. Depending on meeting settings, you will go to a lobby where attendees can admit you.

Register Online | Call to register or for more information: (208) 381-9000

This Event Will Use Microsoft Teams

This Event Will Use Microsoft Teams

Attend Online Using Your Computer, Tablet or Mobile Phone

Microsoft Teams will allow you to attend this event virtually using your personal device.