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Introduction to Gestational Diabetes: Online Course

  • Next Date & Time

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    Wednesday, Jul 31, 2024 12 p.m.-1 p.m.
  • Venue & Location

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    Virtual via Teams

  • Fee & Registration

    price tag icon
    Free, Registration Required


In this one-hour, online class, you’ll learn the basics of managing diabetes during pregnancy, including why it’s important to manage sugars, recommended eating patterns to help control blood sugars and goals for blood sugar management. 

The class is taught by one of St. Luke’s registered dietitians and/or certified diabetes educators. 

Note: While the online class is a great fit for most people, one-on-one visits with a diabetes educator are also available for some individuals. Those with specific needs and/or obstacles to taking the online class — including very high blood sugar levels, preexisting health conditions, disabilities and/or if English isn’t their primary language — can ask a health care provider for a referral to the diabetes educator team. 

These individual classes are offered via telehealth and in person, depending on your needs and location.




Registration Instructions

All classes are conducted from 12:00PM - 1:00PM MST.

Register Online | Call to register or for more information: (208) 381-9000

This Event Will Use Microsoft Teams

This Event Will Use Microsoft Teams

Attend Online Using Your Computer, Tablet or Mobile Phone

Microsoft Teams will allow you to attend this event virtually using your personal device.