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Hearing Aid Supplies

Our offices sell hearing aid batteries, as well as cleaning supplies that can extend hearing aid life and reduce the need for repair. These are the most commonly used supplies, but there are others you may find helpful. Please ask your audiologist if you don't find anything listed below that meets your needs.


Cleaning spray and wipes are designed to help keep your hearing aids and earmolds clean from debris and wax. 

Drying and Storing

Keeping your aids free from moisture can be a battle, even here in the high desert. Use a good dehumidifier to reduce frequency of repairs. Several dry-aid options are available for purchase.


Lubricants can help you get your hearing aids or earmolds into your ears. They can also be used to soothe itchy ears. Do not lick your hearing aid or earmolds.

Battery Testers

Never be left wondering if your battery is dead. Save time and effort with a simple battery tester. Your tester can become one of the most helpful tools for hearing aid troubleshooting.

Batteries and Elks Battery Club

We sell batteries at all of our clinics. Our premium batteries are always fresh and mercury-free. We carry batteries for all hearing aids, including sizes 10, 312, 13 and 675.

To save money on batteries, we invite you to join the Elks Battery Club. Members receive a 20% discount on batteries, and a portion of every battery purchased through the club will be applied toward your next hearing aid purchase.

Ready to order batteries or supplies?

Find a Idaho Elks Hearing and Balance Center near you

Feel free to call us, or drop in during business hours