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Classes and Events

Specialty Medicine Conference for Primary Care

  • Venue & Location

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    (Sun Valley Resort)
    1 Sun Valley Road
    Sun Valley, ID 83353
  • Fee & Registration

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Join us September 13-14, 2025, for St. Luke's Specialty Medicine Conference for Primary Care

This conference is an annual update for physicians and advanced practice providers. Presentations will review clinical concerns common to primary care and define evidence-based practices and guidelines. 

The format is a series of short lectures followed by panel-style Q&A sessions. The conference environment facilitates discussion, and attendees are encouraged to ask questions relevant to their day-to-day practice.


Participants are responsible for their own lodging and travel arrangements.  A block of rooms is reserved at the Sun Valley Resort.

The Resort will fill up quickly. Please make hotel reservations as soon as you confirm your conference registration. Take advantage of negotiated rates by calling 1-800-786-8259 and reference the title of our conference—St. Luke's Specialty Medicine Conference for Primary Care—or reserve your room online.   

If you would like to arrive early or stay late please reference the St. Luke's Specialty Medicine Conference for Primary Care when calling the number above to make your reservation.


Email our Physician Liaison Program.


Registration Instructions

Fees and Registration

  • Physicians: $525 (after August 13, $600)
  • Advance Practice Providers: $425 (after August 13, $500)
  • Residents/Students: $75 (after August 13, $100)

Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel your registration, please email us by August 13, 2025. Cancellation requests will be refunded, less a $50 administrative fee. Cancellations or no-shows after August 13 are not eligible for a refund.