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St. Luke’s Fruitland emergency department hosts 4-H youngsters

By Amy Stahl, News and Community
December 28, 2018

Some Fruitland 4-H members got a behind-the-scenes tour of hospital services recently, thanks to a cross-disciplinary team at the St. Luke’s Fruitland emergency department.

The Lucky Clover 4-H members are 8 to 14 years old; they recently completed first aid and CPR training. On Dec. 1, they visited with the Payette County Paramedics to learn about the dispatch process and ambulance services. Later that day, they visited St. Luke’s Fruitland emergency department and took part in hands-on learning in radiology, respiratory therapy and other areas.

At St. Luke’s, they viewed old X-rays, peered into a microscope, studied lab tests and learned about intubation and chest compressions.  They even practiced racing down a hallway with “Bruce” the manikin during a mock “code blue.”

“Emergency rooms can seem a little scary to kids,” said Joe Young, St. Luke’s Fruitland ED nursing supervisor. “It was fun for them to see what we do.”

St. Luke’s Fruitland Security Officer Kraig Galloway and his wife, Jennifer, are co-leaders of the 4-H group. Their daughter, Ruth, is a member. Galloway said that the tour was timely.

“It was really neat and interesting for them because it cemented their training,” he said. “They understand what it means to do a Heimlich maneuver, save someone’s life and then dial 911.

“The kids were very appreciative,” he said.

Both tours opened the children’s eyes to future careers as doctors, nurses and paramedics.

“We have new recruits!” Galloway said.

The Fruitland emergency department welcomes youth tours. For information, contact Joe Young at [email protected].

About The Author

Amy Stahl formerly worked in the Communications and Marketing department at St. Luke's.

Related Facility

Emergency Services at St. Luke's Fruitland
1210 NW 16th Street
1st Floor
Fruitland, ID 83619
(208) 452-9881