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From Dr. Stacy Seyb, Maternal Fetal Medicine

Moderation is central to living a healthy lifestyle, according to Stacy Seyb, MD. “Most of the things we do are not harmful to our health, except when they’re in excess,” he says. “For example, you should watch your diet but you don't need to be an extremist. You can give yourself a break about having that extra snack—just be honest with yourself about what and how much you’re actually eating.”

When it comes to exercise, don’t feel like you’re an underachiever if you’re not an athlete, Dr. Seyb says. “I’ve always encouraged my patients to take up an activity they can see themselves doing in 20 years. It could be something simple like walking. It doesn't have to be a hard core activity like mountain biking or long distance running. It should be fun and provide both stress relief and cardiovascular benefits. And I find that yoga and stretching are particularly relaxing and help me feel better.”


Join Dr. Seyb for a free Heart Month seminar: How Pregnancy Predicts Your Future Health

Thursday, February 12, 6 p.m., at St. Luke’s Boise

Geared toward any woman who has ever been pregnant, or plans to be, this seminar covers how your pregnancy affects your health many years down the road. Dr. Seyb, a specialist in high-risk pregnancy care, talks about how conditions during pregnancy can indicate your future risk of heart disease and other health issues…and what you can do about it.

For example, women who experience pregnancy-associated hypertension or diabetes should be extra vigilant to follow with their doctor as life progresses. Checking cholesterol, blood sugars, blood pressure, controlling weight, exercising, etc., can improve all the factors that appear to contribute to cardiovascular disease.

Heart Month Tip #8: Moderation

February 8, 2015