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St. Luke's Blogs

From Kyli Gough, Wellness Coordinator and Registered Dietitian

Kyli Gough’s entire job centers around helping people improve their health and encouraging them to engage in wellness activities. Her advice? “Begin a new health venture by picking something you’re ready to tackle,” she says. “Set SMART goals, make a plan, and believe in yourself. You’ll be surprised what you can achieve!”

And just what is a SMART goal?

  • Specific Yes: I’m going to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, at least three days a week. No: I’m going to get healthy.
  • Measurable Yes: I’m going to increase my walking by 10 minutes each week. No: I’m going to exercise more.
  • Attainable Yes: I’m going to train for a 5K. No: I’m going to go to the gym every day.
  • Realistic Yes: I’m going cut back on dessert to only 1-2 a week. No: I’m going to completely cut out sugar.
  • Time-centered Yes: I’m going to commit to my exercise schedule for the next 12 weeks. No: I’m going to exercise every day.
Kyli also encourages you to find activities you enjoy. “I’ve been a runner my whole life,” she says. “I just love to run, and I love to be outdoors. I also ski, hike, and play volleyball. It’s important to find what you love so you’ll keep on doing it.”

Heart Month Tip #6: Set SMART goals

February 6, 2015