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St. Luke's Blogs

Today's Heart Tip: Be Active

Marshall Priest, MD
Executive Medical Director, St. Luke’s Heart
Cardiologist, St. Luke’s Clinic – Idaho Cardiology Associates
By Anna Fritz, Health and Wellness
February 4, 2014

You'll come to love exercise. It's true. Exercise eases stress and makes you feel great. And it's so good for your heart. Exercise makes your heart stronger so it pumps blood efficiently and with less effort, and can even reverse some heart disease risk factors. Those who exercise often and vigorously have the lowest risk for heart disease, but any amount of exercise helps. Aim for at least 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise. Choose something you enjoy, get outdoors if possible, and make it a social experience if you can. Daily activities such as gardening and housework can reduce the risk, because they reduce sitting time, long periods of which increase your risk for diabetes and heart disease.

Dr. Priest’s heart advice: “Choose an activity you enjoy. Add variety by developing a group of several different activities you can enjoy on alternate days. Music may help you enjoy your chosen activity. If possible, exercise with a friend or group to help you stay motivated.”

February is Heart Month, so kick start your best year yet with 28 days of heart health. Every day in February St. Luke’s will send a heart health tip directly to your email. It’s easy to subscribe!

We’re also offering Free Heart Seminars throughout the month. Click here to find one in your area. Today's seminar in Twin Falls: Symptoms of Heart Disease

About The Author

Anna Fritz is a writer and editor with St. Luke’s Communications and Marketing.