Patient care is our first priority in the event of a disaster or major crisis. Recognizing urgency and deadlines, St. Luke’s public relations team will work with the media to provide up-to-date information and accommodate requests as soon as possible.
All media requests for information and interviews must be made to St. Luke’s public relations team. All members of the media on St. Luke’s property must be accompanied and escorted at all times by a member of the public relations team or an appropriate St. Luke’s representative. Please arrange for an escort before arriving on campus.
When reporting to a St. Luke’s facility, please follow these steps:
- All members of the media are required to check in with St. Luke’s public relations team representative and show media identification or identify the media outlet they represent.
- A St. Luke’s public relations representative will escort media personnel to a designated media staging area. Media personnel will be given identification to fill out and wear at all times while on St. Luke’s premises, if they do not have a picture identification badge from their own organization.
- A member of the St. Luke’s public relations staff will act as official hospital spokesperson, unless a specific subject matter expert is necessary, in which case, an appropriate spokesperson will be designated by St. Luke’s.
- The St. Luke’s public relations staff will release information in scheduled intervals or as news occurs. Information will be distributed to media personnel verbally, in print and/or email. Updates will also be posted on the St. Luke’s website.
- To expedite access and information flow, media personnel will be asked to remain in the designated media staging location at all times, except for meals and personal necessity, unless escorted by a St. Luke’s media relations representative to pre-approved interview locations.
- Media personnel who attempt to circumvent the designated process by obtaining unauthorized interviews, unauthorized filming of patients or employees, or by releasing directly-related information not confirmed by St. Luke’s public relations staff will be asked to leave the media staging area and St. Luke’s property.
- St. Luke's adheres to HIPAA regulations and the American Hospital Association Guidelines for release of information.