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Meet Our Parent Mentors


Bekah is a mentor for parents caring for a child with congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV), cortical vision impairment, progressive hearing loss, and/or cerebral palsy. She also has experience with G-tube, Baclofen pumps, and medical equipment. She offers mentorship related to developmental ophthalmology; ear, nose and throat (ENT); gastrointestinal; pulmonology; physical medicine and rehabilitation; and palliative care services.

I live in Nampa with my husband and three children. My boys are developing typically and my daughter is another story. Keira was born with congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) which caused microcephaly. In short, her little body was too busy fighting off this cold virus in utero to focus on growing her brain properly. Keira doesn’t walk, talk, or hold up her own head. She has cerebral palsy, hearing loss, and a G-tube, just to scratch the surface.

Keira has undergone numerous surgeries, procedures, and hospital stays. Our schedule is full of doctor and therapy appointments. Her clinicians often feel like family and St. Luke’s our second home. This life is not what we hoped for our daughter and we wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But curiously, at the same time, there is so much beauty in this experience, so much love and joy in Keira’s sweet little face. I wouldn’t change it.

  1. Ashlie
  2. Bree

You are not alone. 

Caring for a child with complex medical needs can be complicated and overwhelming. Support from someone navigating similar challenges can make all the difference.

Connect with a parent mentor today! Call (208) 706-6487 or send us an email.